City of Bones – BOOK REVIEW

HELLO EVERYONE! Sorry for the long-awaited review, but school is finally over and I can finally start reading and reviewing again.


City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

This will be a review that includes spoilers but I will specify where the spoilers are.

So I’m a bit slow in picking up this series but I finally did and currently, I’m on the fourth book. Yes, I know, I’m behind on my reviews as well.

“Declarations of love amuse me. Especially when unrequited.”
― Cassandra ClareCity of Bones

I’ve had this book for a while. When the movie came out in 2013, I went and saw it and then immediately bought the book. However, I’ve only now picked up the books and started reading them. I can now say I am in love.

Essentially, City of Bones is about a girl named Clary Fray, who discovers the secret her mother has been hiding from her and her journey through it. When Clary’s mom, Jocelyn, gets kidnapped, she meets Jace Wayland, who introduces her to the world Jocelyn was running from.

Clary is 15/16, and while she is young, she goes through some tremendous stuff. After discovering the world of the Shadowhunters, Clary and her best friend Simon meet the Alec and Isabelle Lightwood, Magnus Bane, a few other friends and enemies along the way. In this book, the main goal Clary has is to find/save her mom. The group goes on mini adventures across New York piecing together details about Jocelyn and her past.

Overall, I enjoyed this book SO much. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! I couldn’t put it down. As soon as I finished I immediately started the next book, City of Ashes. There was a lot of action and cute moments that I loved so much. I knew the ending was coming since I saw the movie BUT I was still shocked and surprised when it was revealed. I cried about two times. In all, I 100% recommend this book!

“The boy never cried again, and he never forgot what he’d learned: that to love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed.”
― Cassandra ClareCity of Bones


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Let me just start and say that the ending KILLED ME. I love Jace and Clary SO much that it was so heartbreaking to hear from Valentine that they are siblings.

Simon annoyed me almost all the times he was shown, probably because it was obvious that he liked Clary and that I didn’t want them together. I LOVED Magnus, he is definitely one of my faves right next to Luke and Clary. Alec and Isabelle were okay, I didn’t really like them until the next book.

I did not like the way Alec and Izzy treated Clary and Simon at times but I understand where they are coming from. Chapter 17 is definitely my favorite chapter because of the greenhouse scene!! That KISS omg,

I really like Luke. As readers, we can tell that he truly cares for Clary and will do anything for her. He is her father in a way. I did not like how Jocelyn kept the secret from Clary and how she tried to hide Clary’s memories. It wasn’t fair to Clary but alas I understand where she was coming from.

Lastly, I SHIP Jace and Clary SO hard.

Thank you for reading my review! More to come soon! 🙂

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